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Relative time

@vintl/how-ago is a package that simplifies the use of Intl.RelativeTimeFormat API: it calculates how much time has passed between two dates, and then chooses the most fitting unit to display that time.

Both @vintl/compact-number and @vintl/how-ago have the similar API, so the process will be almost the same. Check out guide for @vintl/compact-number, as it goes more into details about how everything works.

Adding the package

Add the package using package manager of your choice:

npm install @vintl/how-ago
npm install @vintl/how-ago
pnpm add @vintl/how-ago
pnpm add @vintl/how-ago
yarn add @vintl/how-ago
yarn add @vintl/how-ago

Creating a plugin

Unlike @vintl/compact-number, we don't need to load any locale data and can start creating plugin right away. Like with @vintl/compact-number, we will simply use controller to create computed property that we'll provide throughout app.

// src/plugins/how-ago.ts
import { createFormatter, Formatter } from '@vintl/how-ago'
import { IntlController } from '@vintl/vintl/controller'
import { inject, computed, InjectionKey, ComputedRef, Plugin } from 'vue'

const key: InjectionKey<ComputedRef<Formatter>> = Symbol('relativeTime')

export const plugin: Plugin<IntlController<any>> = (app, controller) => {
  const formatter = computed(() => createFormatter(controller.intl))
  app.provide(key, formatter)
// src/plugins/how-ago.ts
import { createFormatter, Formatter } from '@vintl/how-ago'
import { IntlController } from '@vintl/vintl/controller'
import { inject, computed, InjectionKey, ComputedRef, Plugin } from 'vue'

const key: InjectionKey<ComputedRef<Formatter>> = Symbol('relativeTime')

export const plugin: Plugin<IntlController<any>> = (app, controller) => {
  const formatter = computed(() => createFormatter(controller.intl))
  app.provide(key, formatter)

And then the composable to actually inject the formatter:

export function useRelativeTime(): Formatter {
  const formatter = inject(key)

  if (formatter == null) throw new Error('Formatter is not initialised')

  return (...args) => formatter.value.apply(undefined, args)
export function useRelativeTime(): Formatter {
  const formatter = inject(key)

  if (formatter == null) throw new Error('Formatter is not initialised')

  return (...args) => formatter.value.apply(undefined, args)

Installing the plugin

Just like @vintl/compact-number, we will simply import the named plugin export under a different name and then call app.use:

// src/main.ts
// …
import { plugin as relativeTimePlugin } from './plugins/how-ago.js' 
// …

await controller.waitUntilReady()


app.use(compactNumbersPlugin, controller)

app.use(relativeTimePlugin, controller) 

// …
// src/main.ts
// …
import { plugin as relativeTimePlugin } from './plugins/how-ago.js' 
// …

await controller.waitUntilReady()


app.use(compactNumbersPlugin, controller)

app.use(relativeTimePlugin, controller) 

// …

Using the composable

You can now use useRelativeTime composable that we created in setup functions to retrieve the formatting function:

<script setup>
import { useRelativeTime } from '../plugins/how-ago.js'

const formatRelativeTime = useRelativeTime()

const day = 86_400_000 // ms

const today = day * Math.floor( / day)
const tomorrow = today + day

  <p>Today has began {{ formatRelativeTime(today) }}</p>
  <!--                  ⮩ "16 hours ago"            -->
  <p>Day ends {{ formatRelativeTime(tomorrow) }}</p>
  <!--           ⮩ "in 8 hours"                 -->
<script setup>
import { useRelativeTime } from '../plugins/how-ago.js'

const formatRelativeTime = useRelativeTime()

const day = 86_400_000 // ms

const today = day * Math.floor( / day)
const tomorrow = today + day

  <p>Today has began {{ formatRelativeTime(today) }}</p>
  <!--                  ⮩ "16 hours ago"            -->
  <p>Day ends {{ formatRelativeTime(tomorrow) }}</p>
  <!--           ⮩ "in 8 hours"                 -->

Released under the MIT Licence.